GDL March 2, 2023

Thank you for being here . So Kyle wants to be a dad so bad . Um He wants , how many kids do you want them ?

GDL Ashley Cusato

Oh , that's so sweet . He wants to be a dad . So bad story .

GDL March 2, 2023

That's so sweet . Like I never thought I , I but I just felt like I have this son now and that was what made him feel like a dad . I love that .

GDL Chloe Lawrence

She's choosing her future dad . You know , he has said on repeat that he believes he's going to be a father to five daughters . This might be one of them .

GDL Feb 20, 2023

Oh , I'm sure your son would because you , you'd be like a great dad . I can see you being a great dad . Um Wilson and Ramona are , wait a are in engaged .