GDL Shelton Wilder

I mean , I have an entire assistant just dedicated to gifts to gift giving . So Katie is the um philanthropy liaison and gift giver . I mean so and she just kind of like like the concierge to my clients too .

GDL May 4, 2023

You are Guru Kyle . Shout out to mel for the college donations and the college tuition . Yeah , I mean , well , we have loved it .

GDL March 8, 2023

They're a radio station in Los Angeles and they have these , uh , charity games , uh that tour through Los Angeles or through California , you know , all the way to Orange County . Um And we show up for these uh basketball games and um we give our time , we give giveaways , um just bring awareness and people come and uh buy tickets and it goes straight to the school . Um Shout out DJ .

GDL Feb 2, 2023

And that was just mind boling to me . All they want to know is who donated it , not what we should do with it . So I delivered the report to the guy who requested it and he comes at me in Spanish and I answer this way and again , Spanish , I answer this way and again , Spanish answer this way and he wants no , no , I know it but I'm Jew and he looks at me .

GDL Jan 11, 2023

Fit uh not a family man , not married but that's ok . Um And you know , but like charity philanthropic , this was all on the app . He actually ironically concerned .