No , coming after Nick Cannon , like , always a dead dad . Robert is over here having a baby at 79 and no one bats an eyelash . I know .
Also , my friend John Connolly , two people wrote blurbs and Nick who did Casino and Goodfella . He's the oldest of everybody he still like and he's got a movie coming out with De Niro . That's amazing as well .
Isn't that cute for 35 years ? But , so his son , actually , when he was a little guy thought his dad worked at the movie theater . No , I know .
Um and then um condolences to structured Beltzer and his family , best known for his roles as Detective John Munch on Law and Order SVU . He died at the age of 78 . Um I was sending lots of love to him and his family .
He's 38 . So he had a kid at 20 . Well , he was making like a , like $10 million a year .